Hello everyone, I hope this finds you in good graces. I want to take a minute to discuss our vision at Joy Unspeakable Ministries as well as our short term and long term goals. First off our vision is set with the two great commandments given to us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40 in mind; to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul" and to "love thy neighbor as thyself." We first off we want to serve the Lord whole heartedly and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Secondly we want to love those around us and shine the light of our Lord as a witness to others.
Our short term vision is to raise the funds needed to file our necessary paperwork with the IRS for our 501c3 status, to start a drive to raise food and supplies to prepare meals for the elderly and shut-in in our community around us. These meals will be delivered by volunteers and be accompanied with gospel liturature for those to read, and have information for them to respond for prayer or further needs.
Our long term vision is to grow into a powerful, spiritfilled ministry that will impact our community in a big way for the cause of Christ. We will follow the direction of the Lord and grow as His will allows by linking with fellow likeminded believers and congregations in this area and through out the land.
Our short term vision is to raise the funds needed to file our necessary paperwork with the IRS for our 501c3 status, to start a drive to raise food and supplies to prepare meals for the elderly and shut-in in our community around us. These meals will be delivered by volunteers and be accompanied with gospel liturature for those to read, and have information for them to respond for prayer or further needs.
Our long term vision is to grow into a powerful, spiritfilled ministry that will impact our community in a big way for the cause of Christ. We will follow the direction of the Lord and grow as His will allows by linking with fellow likeminded believers and congregations in this area and through out the land.